My whole life I've had incredibly detailed, vivid dreams. I thought I'd share some of these as they often are interesting stories to tell. Some of them are surprisingly dark and gory while others are harmless and silly.

These are real dreams I've had! They sometimes don't make sense. Also, I'm not a writer so don't expect poetry here.

Anyway, I'd love to hear your reactions so please leave comments!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dinner and a Murder on 35th Street

My sister was hosting a dinner party some of her friends in our apartment. I hadn’t met any of these friends of hers before and didn’t bother asking how she knew them. We were all on our second or third drinks, it was a pleasant crowd.

I followed my sister into the kitchen; it was time for dessert! I was going to help her serve it to the guests.

She was leaned against the counter looking down, so angrily, as if she had just gotten into an argument with someone. I was surprised and asked her what was wrong.

Without answering my question, she handed me a pair of scissors.

“The girl with the black hair, wearing the teal shirt..” she said.
“Yeah? What about her?”, I asked impatiently.

She came close to my face, handed me the scissors, like a drug deal, and whispered, “Take these, and stab her with it.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, confused.
“Just do it, don’t think about it,” she said.

So I didn’t think about it.

I came to the kitchen to help serve our happy crowd dessert, and left the kitchen with a pair of scissors to stab and kill the dark-haired girl with the teal shirt.

As I turned to exit the kitchen, she stood there, smiling, asking if she could help.
I turned to look at my sister with a look of concern, “She’s so nice, why do I have to kill her?” I thought.

My sister gave me the go-ahead.

I went ahead. I killed her.

But don’t worry, we did end up having dessert.

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